Function config

Configure individual Lambda function properties (e.g. src/http/get-index/config.arc).


Use the @arc pragma to disable Architect features for a specific function:

  • env - boolean, true (default) or false to disable loading environment variables
  • ignoreDependencies - array, specific dependency names to ignore during Lambda treeshaking
  • shared - boolean, true (default) or false to skip hydrating project code from @shared.
  • views - boolean, true (default) or false to skip hydrating project code from @views.

Example config.arc

# src/function/dir/config.arc
env false
shared false
views false


Sometimes it’s necessary to have an even more isolated, locked down Lambda within an Architect project; in such cases, it can be helpful to set env to false, which deactivates all project-level environment variables.

Note: even with env set to false, your function still has access to credentials with whatever IAM privileges the Lambda has been granted. To isolate permissions further, please see policies.


Disable specific dependencies from being installed in Lambdas that rely on automated dependency treeshaking. When a dependency has a scope (preceded by ‘@’), place the name inside quotes.

⚠️ This setting is currently only supported in Node.js Lambdas and does not support ignoring dependencies from the shared folder (#1476).

The alternate spelling of ignoredDependencies may also be used, although ignoreDependencies is preferred.


Disable hydrating shared code into a given Lambda. This can be helpful for reducing code payload size when shared code is not being used, or if you are running arbitrary code within a Lambda that may expose internal business logic.


Disable hydrating views code into a given Lambda. As with shared, this can be helpful for reducing code payload size for Lambdas in customer hot paths.


Configure the deployed function with the @aws pragma and the following properties:

  • architecture - AWS Architecture for the function: arm64 (default) or x86_64
  • concurrency - number, 0 to AWS account maximum (if not present, concurrency is unthrottled)
  • fifo - boolean, true (default) or false to use standard SQS type
  • layers - Up to 5 Lambda layer ARNs; must be in the same region as deployed
  • memory - number, between 128 and 3008 MB in 64 MB increments.
  • policies - Configure AWS SAM policy templates
  • provisionedConcurrency - number, 1 to AWS account maximum (disabled by default)
  • runtime - string, Lambda runtime or alias: nodejs16.x (default), python3.7, dotnetcore3.1, node, py, .net, etc.
  • storage - number, between 512 (default) and 10240 MB. The function’s ephemeral storage (/tmp file system).
  • timeout - number, in seconds (max 900)

Note: any function configurations made globally in your project manifest will be overridden by individual functions. For example, if your app.arc includes memory 128, and src/http/get-index/config.arc includes memory 3008, all functions except get / will be configured with 128MB of memory, while get / will override that global with 3008MB.

Read more about the Lambda limits and resource model.

Example config.arc

# src/function/dir/config.arc
runtime ruby
memory 256
timeout 3
concurrency 1
layers {ARN}
policies {ARN}
architecture x86_64


Configure Lambda function CPU architecture to be one of arm64 or x86_64. This setting defaults to arm64 if not specified.

Note: locally, Architect Sandbox executes the function’s runtime with your machine’s native architecture.

architecture x86_64


Configure Lambda function concurrency. If not present concurrency is unthrottled.

Limit execution to one invocation at a time:

concurrency 1

Tip: @events functions with concurrency 1 create a queue-like primitive

Disable invocation by setting concurrency to zero:

concurrency 0


Configure SQS queue type to fifo (true, default) or standard (false).

fifo false


Configure Lambda function layers with max 5 Lambda Layer ARNs.

Warning: Lambda Layers must be in the same region as they are deployed

Add one layer:

layers arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:764866452798:layer:ghostscript:1

Or multiple layers:


Tip: find awesome layers


Configure Lambda function memory between 128 MB to 10240 MB, in 1 MB increments.

Memory size also directly correlates with CPU speed; higher memory levels are available in more capable Lambda clusters

memory 1024


Configure custom Lambda function policies, enabling granular and specific privileges and access controls.

The policies setting takes one or more IAM policy ARNs or AWS-managed policy names (e.g. AmazonDynamoDBFullAccess).

Configuring one or more policies will completely remove all of Architect’s default Lambda privileges. To restore Architect’s default privileges, include a policy named architect-default-policies.

Note: architect-default-policies is an internal Architect framework setting based on the least-privilege permissions specific to your project. It is not a managed / public IAM policy, and will not be found in your AWS console.

Lambda only has a single set of permissions (as defined by the AWS-managed S3CrudPolicy policy):


Lambda has both an AWS-managed policy (S3CrudPolicy) and all default Architect permissions:


Terser single-line version of the above example:

policies S3CrudPolicy architect-default-policies

Additional resources


Configure a Lambda’s provisioned concurrency, which ensures the concurrency specified will always respond without coldstart. By default, Architect never sets provisioned concurrency, as it costs money whether actively in use or not.

Note: be warned that this is one of the only features that starts costing money the moment it is enabled. Be especially careful when enabling this feature globally for your project, as it has the potential to run up your costs rather quickly. Please refer to Lambda’s provisioned concurrency pricing guide.

Set a provisioned concurrency of 10 warm containers for your Lambda:

provisionedConcurrency 10

Pair with concurrency to guarantee a Lambda with 10 warm containers that never exceeds 100 concurrent requests:

concurrency 100
provisionedConcurrency 10


Configure Lambda function runtime:

  • Like nodejs16.x (default), nodejs14.x, python3.9, ruby2.7
  • Unsupported by Sandbox locally: dotnetcore3.1, go1.x, java11
  • Or a runtime alias: nodejs, python, ruby, .net, go, java
    • Aliases always use the default version of the matched runtime: ruby => ruby2.7.

See @aws and official Lambda documentation for further reference.

runtime ruby


Configure Lambda function temporary file system size between 512 MB and 10240 MB, in 1 MB increments. Defaults to 512 MB.

Ephemeral storage lives at /tmp in an AWS Lambda and will not persist between deployments. Amazon describes this disk space as a “scratch resource.” Read more in the AWS announcement post.

storage 5000


Configure Lambda function timeout in seconds to a max of 900. (15 minutes.)

The default timeout (if no value supplied) is 5. (5 seconds.)

timeout 30