create plugins

create lifecycle hook plugins extend Architect’s ability to generate new Lambda handlers as you expand the capabilities of your application.

create plugins execute when users run arc create (aka arc init), and in related contexts.


create.register is a string or array of built-in runtime names (e.g. nodejs18.x) or aliases (node).

Note: if your plugin creates a custom runtime with both set.runtimes and create.handlers, it is unnecessary to use create.register. This is because set.runtimes informs Architect that the plugin can be expected to deal with the runtime(s) it populates; thus, create.register is only necessary if you wish to have a plugin do handler creation for built-in runtimes, or require very deep customization.


create.handlers plugins are either async or synchronous functions, and receive a single argument, which is an object containing the following properties:

Property Type Description
arc object Raw Architect project object
inventory object Inventory object
lambda object Properties f the specific Lambda being created

create.handlers can execute arbitrary commands, write files to disk, and generally take care of whatever is required in preparation for the new Lambda handler.

Alternately, you can return a single object or an array of objects with the following properties, which will be conveniently written into your handler folder for you:

Property Type Description
filename string Handler-relative file path to be created
body string Contents of the file to be written

Note: if you do not return one or more files for the Create API to write to your handler directory, make sure you write your files to the lambda.src directory.


// Write two custom files for Node.js Lambda handlers
module.exports = {
  create: {
    register: 'node',
    handler: async ({ arc, inventory, lambda }) => {
      return [
          filename: 'index.mjs',
          body: 'export let handler = async req => req'
          filename: 'config.arc',
          body: '@aws\n' + 'memory 3072'
// Run external commands that generate handlers; notes:
// - `create.register` is not necessary because `set.runtimes` is used
// - This example is contrived for brevity; actual `cargo-lambda` behavior differs
let { execSync } = require('child_process')
module.exports = {
  set: {
    runtimes: () => {
      return { name: 'rust', type: 'transpiled' }
  create: {
    handler: async ({ arc, inventory, lambda }) => {
      let cmd = `cargo lambda new --http bootstrap`
      execSync(cmd, { cwd: lambda.src })