sandbox plugins

sandbox lifecycle hook plugins expose functionality to extend the capabilities of Sandbox, Architect’s local development environment.


Run arbitrary operations during Sandbox startup. At the time of sandbox.start execution, all core Sandbox services are guaranteed to be running.

This method is similar to @sandbox-start scripts, but authored in JS, and controlled entirely via plugin. If in doubt, we suggest using sandbox.start over [@sandbox-start scripts.

sandbox.start plugins are either async or synchronous functions, and receive a single argument, which is an object containing the following properties:

Property Type Description
arc object Raw Architect project object
inventory object Inventory object
invoke async function Invoke a Lambda


let { readFile } = require('fs/promises')
// Invoke a scheduled event whenever its business logic changes
module.exports = { sandbox: {
  start: async ({ arc, inventory, invoke }) => {
    await loadDatabaseMock()
    await seedLocalDatabase()
    console.log('Seeded database!')
} }


Run arbitrary operations on filesystem events within your project. By default, the watcher ignores changes to vendor, node_modules, .git, and other such files.

sandbox.watcher plugins are either async or synchronous functions, and receive a single argument, which is an object containing the following properties:

Property Type Description
filename string Absolute path of the project file that was changed
event string One of add, update, or remove
inventory object Inventory object
invoke async function Invoke a Lambda


Run arbitrary operations on Sandbox shutdown. sandbox.end plugins are executed just prior to all core Sandbox services being shut down.

sandbox.end plugins are either async or synchronous functions, and receive a single argument, which is an object containing the following properties:

Property Type Description
arc object Raw Architect project object
inventory object Inventory object
invoke async function Invoke a Lambda

Invoke function

Sandbox plugins are provided an async invoke function capable of arbitrarily executing any Lambda in the project (including Lambdas created by plugins with set methods). Invocations must include the following properties:

Property Type Description
pragma string The pragma of the Lambda, without @ (e.g. http)
name string Inventory name of the Lambda being invoked (e.g. get /foo
payload object Payload to invoke with; an empty object ({}) is allowed


Assuming an app.arc file with the following:


my-scheduled-event rate(1 day)

Your my-scheduled-event Lambda could be invoked locally on demand like so:

let { readFile } = require('fs/promises')
// Invoke a scheduled event whenever its business logic changes
module.exports = { sandbox: {
  watcher: async ({ filename, event, inventory, invoke }) => {
    if (filename.includes('src/scheduled/my-scheduled-event')) {
      let rawPayload = await readFile('test/fixtures/event-payload.json')
        pragma: 'scheduled',
        name: 'my-scheduled-event',
        payload: JSON.parse(rawPayload),
} }