Using Deno

The Architect team has a strong interest in Deno as a runtime. Architect provides experimental support for Deno via a Lambda layer.

Current support

Deno is not currently an officially supported AWS Lambda runtime, but Architect adds a Lambda layer to provide the Deno executable on AWS infrastructure.
Additionally, Sandbox will use deno to invoke functions while developing locally.

⚠️ Lambda layers can increase response times when the function is cold. This approach to enabling Deno is not ideal for user interaction.

Project configuration

Set the Deno runtime in your project (app.arc) or function (config.arc) configuration:

runtime deno

This setting will enable Deno in your project (or a single function), allowing handlers to be written in TypeScript or JavaScript and run with Deno:

// src/http/get-index/index.ts
export async function handler() {
  const myUUID = crypto.randomUUID();
  const resp = await fetch('');
  const arcGitHub = await resp.json();

  return {
    statusCode: 200,
    headers: { 'content-type': 'text/html; charset=utf8' },
    body: `
      <p>🎲 ${myUUID}</p>
      <p>🦖 ${Deno.version.deno}</p>
      <p><pre>${JSON.stringify(arcGitHub, null, 2)}</pre></p>

🦕 To enable Sandbox support for Deno, make sure you install Deno locally.

Architect and Sandbox will still run with Node.js, but will orchestrate deno processes when running your functions.

Deno runtime version

The current provided layer is Deno v1.19.1.

🧑‍🔬 The Arc team is actively working on providing up-to-date and configurable Deno layers.