
Define HTTP routes in API Gateway with Lambda handler functions.


Each route is made up of two parts: HTTP verb and a route path.

  • HTTP Verb

    • delete
    • get
    • head
    • options
    • patch
    • post
    • put
    • any1
  • Route Path

    • Lower + upper case alphanumeric string
    • Advised maximum of 100 characters for paths
    • Dashes, periods, and underscores are allowed
    • Must begin with a letter
    • URL parameters are defined with a leading colon (:)
    • A trailing asterisk (*) denotes a “catchall” (and can only be used as the final character)

Routes can use more verbose configuration to allow for custom source paths in your project. Provide a method and src for each route:

  • method - HTTP verb
  • src - path to the function source
  1. While not an HTTP verb, functions declared with any will be called for any valid HTTP method directed at that route.


These configuration examples show how to define @http routes:


get /
get /pages
get /pages/:dateID
get /contact
post /contact
get /widgets/* # catch all unmatched routes
# verbose custom source:
  method get
  src custom/source
  "app": "myapp",
  "http": [
    ["get", "/"],
    ["get", "/pages"],
    ["get", "/pages/:dateID"],
    ["get", "/contact"],
    ["post", "/contact"],
    ["get", "/widgets/*"],
      "/weather": {
        "method": "get",
        "src": "custom/source",
app: myapp
- get: "/"
- get: "/pages"
- get: "/pages/:dateID"
- get: "/contact"
- post: "/contact"
- get: "/widgets/*"
# verbose custom source:
- "/weather":
    method: get
    src: "custom/source"

Running arc create generates the following handlers:

├── custom/
│   └── source/
├── src/http/
│   ├── get-index/
│   ├── get-pages/
│   ├── get-pages-000dateID/
│   ├── get-contact/
│   ├── get-widgets-catchall/
│   └── post-contact/
├── app.arc
└── package.json

⚠️ Handlers generated from routes with URL parameters i.e. /pages/:dateID, substitute : for 000. This is a deliberate convention to ensure valid directory names that correspond with your defined parameterized route.