

  • Register or transfer a domain with Route53
  • Deploy an app with Architect and make note of the staging and production URLs

Step 1: setup SSL certificates with AWS Certificate Manager

In this step we will request a certificate from Amazon for our domain.

  • Open up AWS Certificate Manager in the AWS Console in us-east-1 (region is required!)
  • Click Request a certificate and then Request a public certificate
  • Ensure and * for sub domains to work
  • Choose DNS validation and click Next
  • Add any tags and confirm the request
  • Expand the domain and click Create record in Route53 button
  • Verify CNAME record created in Route53 console Hosted zone

Step 2: setup custom domain with AWS API Gateway

Generate a domain with the certificate from Step 1.

  • Sign into AWS API Gateway in the AWS Console
  • Navigate to Custom domain names and click Create
  • Enter the domain name (e.g. for the staging app or for the production app)
  • Select the certificate created in Step 1
  • Click Create domain name
  • Make note of the generated API Gateway domain name in Endpoint configuration
  • Click on the tab API mappings and Configure API mappings
  • For API select the API and for Stage select $default and click Save

Step 3: configure the domain Alias in AWS Route53

  • Sign into AWS Route53 in the AWS Console
  • Navigate to the Hosted zone for the domain
  • Click Create record
  • Enter the Record name
  • Record type is A and toggle Alias checkbox on
  • Select Alias to API Gateway
  • Select the region
  • Select the API (should be the same value as the domain generated in Step 2)
  • Click Create records


Now we’re done! You can check to see if your domains are online with this DNS Checker tool.