

  • Sign up for a domain on GoDaddy
  • Deploy an app with Architect and make note of the staging and production URLs
  • Ensure the app is deployed to us-east-1
  • Ensure the @app name is uniquely named after the domain.

Step 1: setup SSL certificates with AWS Certificate Manager

In this step we will request a certificate from Amazon for our domain.

  • Open up AWS Certificate Manager in the AWS Console in us-east-1 (region is required!)
  • Click Request a certificate and then Request a public certificate
  • Ensure and * for sub domains to work
  • Choose DNS validation and click Next
  • Add any tags and confirm the request
  • Open up GoDaddy account dashboard and find the DNS settings for the particular domain you want to use.
  • Click ADD and select CNAME
  • Create CNAME records of both issued certificates
  • Wait until they change from pending to success

Step 2: setup CloudFront

Generate a CloudFront distribution with the certificate from step 1.

  • Sign into AWS CloudFront in the AWS Console
  • Click Create Distribution and then click Get Started
  • Open API Gateway and make note of the Invoke URL.
  • Enter the URL from API Gateway in Origin Domain Name
  • Set Origin Protocol Policy to Match Viewer
  • Add the Alternate Domain Names (CNAMEs) that you will be using. ex.
  • Set Viewer Protocol Policy to Redirect HTTP to HTTPS
  • Set Compress Objects Automatically to Yes
  • Set SSL Certificate to Custom SSL Certificate and select the cert from step 1
  • Click Create Distribution
  • Repeat for staging domain.

Step 3: configure the domain Alias in GoDaddy

Add A and CNAME records to DNS.

  • Open up GoDaddy account dashboard and find the DNS settings for the particular domain you want to use.
  • Click ADD.
  • Use record type A for the root domain.
    • Leave Host input empty and add the IP address of the CloudFront domain that was created in step 2 to the Points to input.
  • Use record type CNAME for the staging domain.
    • Add the word staging to the Host input and add the CloudFront domain that was created in step 2 to the Points to input.


Now we’re done! You can check to see if your domains are online with the DNS checker tool DNS Checker tool.